My Month of Benficence! Act20:35

A new month, a new opportunity, a new opportunity, a new season, a new experience, a new page to write …
Thank you Lord for everything you do for us, you are always there to overcome our fears,
even when we return to Egypt, you are here,
even when the doubt surrounds us, you are at our bedside,
Even when the jolts of life give us a nice slap, you take us back …
And for all this, we want to say humbly thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for holding your hand, thank you for all your attention to us,
What did we do to be there? What did we say special to make your choice come to us? You protect us, you love us, you bless us.
Lord, help us to not see you as an option but rather as an obligation.
We want to make our attachment to you, our worship and our praise to you more effective, more sincere, more loaded, more powerful, more electric … we want to participate and testify of your love and your glory.
Together we give you all the space you deserve.
Our love for you is unparalleled, you stay and you remain our support and our pride.
Jeremiah 31: 3 – From afar Yahweh shows himself to me: I love you with everlasting love; That’s why I keep you my goodness.
Bless the Lord for his love for you.
And here we are on the first day of a new month, the first month of a new semester, we have certainly not been satisfied, flourished in the past, we have not deployed as you Lord you wanted and where you we waited but dad, from the outset for this new story, encircle us of you, impact your wisdom in us, that your love alone educates us, touches us and changes us.
O LORD, if you yourself have named this month * the month of benevolence *, it is because you have observed our lack of attention to our brothers, you have seen that ourv interests were our concern, you have noticed that we have lost your values ​​along the way and you have decided to restore order, to clean up, to cleanse this egoism, this lack of sharing, this mark of fraternity in us and you impose on us for this period, communion, assistance, help, generosity.
Lord, we want you to help us do good without expecting anything, learn to do good works to honor you and you alone, teach us the power to give.
We want to recognize that times are difficult, no one is going through good times but because of you, Jesus, because of your name, we do not want to look at our limitations, we want you to drop the scales of our eyes to whom we see further on as you, so that your work on the cross will influence our lives again and again.
We hope that these moments of beneficence are for us a support to allow us to lean back in you and forget us.
Welcome to each of us in July 2018.
* My Charity Month *
Acts 20:35 – I have shown you in every way that it is in working thus that you must support the weak, and remember the words of the Lord, which said himself, There is more happiness in give only to receive.
For this month, our Lord wants to teach us one thing, give it never gets lost, give it gives joy, happiness, peace, pride …
To give it is a strong proof of our love, to give it makes us prosper.
So, let’s apply ourselves and let kindness invade our hearts.
Hello group
Good Sunday
May the theme of this month be our sharing. Have a nice day

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