My Month of Benficence!Act20:35

To be part of the kingdom of God is not a matter of going to church, praying or being a leader in a church. To belong to Jesus is to accept to sacrifice the things of this world to obtain a place in the kingdom of heaven.
The kingdom of God is the universe of God, a government established by God.
We are privileged, chosen, and the word of God says to seek first the kingdom of heaven,
This is what is vital and essential to us.
We spend our time looking for wealth without ever being satisfied with what we have, we want quantity and not quality, our priorities are elsewhere than in the word of God.
We make so much effort yet God is ready to offer everything to us if we take care of his kingdom.
Jesus loves us and he wants us to share his universe.
Our problem is that we refuse the blessings of the Lord to attach us to vain things and until then, our Father is present, he supports us, he holds our hand, he protects us.
If only we could see all that he does for us to have joy, we are continually giving him thanks.
So, let’s learn to say thank you to God because we are set apart for his work, say thank you because with him, gentleness and healing reign.
Sharing the heavenly world inspires life, going in line with our destiny.
In this paradise, good deeds are rewarded, they are applauded, they motivate the work of God and make it supreme.
It is important to be grateful to God for all that is done for us, it is the awakening and our bedtime, it does not sleep or sleep for the enemy does not usphesie so say thank you is the minimum that the children of the kingdom can do.
And that’s what he expects of us on this day: Thank God for being part of his marvelous kingdom.
Hebrews 12:28 – Therefore, receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us show our gratitude by rendering to God a worship that is pleasing to Him.
To be built on rock is certain assurance, so let us never forget to boast about it because our God is alive.
May the name Lord be lifted up and his glory shine forever on us.
Hello here and have a nice day.

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