My Month of Benficence!Act20:35

When God speaks to us, it is so that we improve ourselves, it is so that we arrange our lives, it is to help us to better do its work.
Really by reading the instructions every day, some will say that we talk about the same thing every day but it does not even concern them, others on the other hand feel involved and feel guilty.
The truth is that when God insists, repeats … He calls us to redouble our efforts, what we believe we are doing is not enough.
And it is to this that the word of God serves us, to make good use of it and to avoid certain traps of this uncertain world where the excesses push us to place ourselves well above the others, to minimize them and to martyrise them.
And that’s what God does not want, he does not want people who say they serve him and yet they torture others.
The reality in our society is that it will always have the poor, they are part of the creature of God, they are people who are vulnerable and who have not the minimum, it is the one who is weak to the point of not being able to assert his rights is the one who suffers in general injustices …
When the rich man is powerful, he has the means of his policy and can pay the judge as he pleases.
Those who are well off have the opportunity to impose their will on the poor, and our God does not at all agree with the way we treat our brothers who are in need.
The advice he gives us this morning is a bell to wake us from our old habits and to do our duty of humanity in favor of the poor.
God has not abandoned anyone, he is present for each one of us.
It is therefore a reason and a motivation to do good works to all.
Proverbs 14:31 – To oppress the poor, it is outrage him who did it; But to have mercy on the indigent is to honor him.
Pray not to degrade the poor.
Oppress = oppress = degrade = overwhelm = to curse = to stifle = to persecute …
When we prevent individuals from doing good, when we stifle all good feeling, any generous initiative for any influence, we send Jesus back to the cross, we offend him.
Let us do good deeds and let ourselves be led by the Holy Spirit.
Lord, thank you for this teaching,
May your name be celebrated.
Hello this village
Have a good day

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