My Month of Benficence!Act20:35

Although the church is a medium or give it overflow and where people still have love and attention to give, there are also in this circle and in our entourage people who donate a business and this is not because it’s like that you should stop being generous.
Giving brings happiness, joy, assurance even as giving it often puts us in a situation of weakness.
In any case, God advises us to give.
Here is a man in the Bible who works for others, his name is Paul.
He worked for others, he put his energy to give others the holy word.
The gift is a privilege, it is even that makes all the difference because to give, you must have the opportunity.
But is it easy to always give without receiving?
This is not obvious but remember that Jesus gave his life for us and continues to be ready to accompany us for life.
We are therefore indebted to him for this gift.
Knowing us vulnerable and guilty, he sends us to our neighbor to give our turn.
His instruction this morning is simple: fast and pray to always find pleasure in giving.
2 Corinthians 9: 7 – Let each give as he has resolved in his heart, without sadness or constraint; for God loves him who gives with joy.
We often do good deeds that do not destroy us, or we do it to make us see or even influence or even dominate.
Let us know then that it is in the heart that God looks, that is what interests him, the quality and not the quantity, we must not act just by imitation or by jealousy, we do it first because it is correct and God is pleased to see us bring joy to our brothers.
Let us do good according to God
Hello here
Have a good day

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