My Month of Benficence!Act20:35

When God tells us today to remember those who have done well, it is serious.
Oh la la la
We have all fallen, God has read us, do not we say that he knows us more than us?
We are like that and it’s a shame for us.
We forget quickly, we have a short memory.
No gratitude, no thanks, except contempt, pride, self-sufficiency, superiority.
And when we had the grace to succeed with the help of others. It is even those who have given us a hand that we are trampling.
Ingratitude is us and God says No, No and No.
He invites us to wake up our memories and to pay attention, to take a little more seriously the sacrifice that others make so that we have the smile, he asks us to make our signature humility.
Without it we could never be in the fullness of God.
If God speaks to us of recognition, it is because we Men, we have lost our values, we do not know what is important anymore, we think that we lower ourselves by showing our gratitude.
Someone can not do us good and it leaves us indifferent, insensitive.
When we behave this way, it is clear that we do not encode those who give us, we sadden them and for that reason, let us listen to our Lord take care to warn us with his word from Genesis, 40:14 – But remember you, when you are happy, and show, I pray you, kindness towards me; speak in my favor to Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house.
Remember those that were good to you and act accordingly.
We are generally very kind, very loyal, very humble when we are in pain, when we have no way out, when the object of our pride has taken a hit, when we are going through stormy times, we we are sociable, more humble, we beseech God to act, we are ready to do whatever he tells us, and when we have what we want, we minimize what our neighbor has done for us.
If it is so difficult for us to recognize the good that has been done to us, if others do a good deed and we do not accept it with love, how would we like it to be quick to react in the future days, if we are so ungrateful with people we see how many times God is in heaven?
ToTo say thank you to God is so heavy for us that you spit on our lives, on our health, on all the benefits that he never ceases to grant us.
In our ingratitude we turn our backs on him, and we wipe away all the blessings he has in store for us.
We will be gossiping together, but when happiness comes, we want to deal with people of the same level as us, we deny the contribution of others in our lives, we refuse to accept that we have relied on someone.
We are used to saying that we are someone behind us, we need others, we need to do things together to realize ourselves.
So when we bet on a person and his place in the sun is certain and assured, we must be able to turn around and say thank you, give praise to our rescuer.
In any case, the recognition touches God, if he himself is in joy when we give him the thanksgiving, imagine our excitement.
Men love it, we like it, it makes us happy, it can promote the love and sharing we need to return to fellowship.
Hello friends
Good weekend to each of us.

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