My Month of Evidence!Mc9:23

Yet another remark, one more precision, the instructions of God do not mark, he wants us rights like needles.
Hello village.
Very often, we hear people around us exclaim and say: * if it made sense, it would not have done so * because we often do anything anyhow without thinking.
* By the way, what is common sense? *
It is our ability to judge well, to think, to understand and reason.
To have good sense is to know how to use one’s intelligence.
Many of us prefer to let others think and decide for us, we let the information give us the direction of our lives, our projects that common sense is rare nowadays.
We do not take any more time to reflect well, to see clearly in our judgments, we let our objectives be diverted because very often we follow the logic of the men.
It is in our interest to cultivate common sense, it is a quality that makes our lives interesting and saves us time, the Bible is the reliable book to recharge, to gain advice in different aspects.
In the book of Psalms, 119: 66 – Teach me common sense and intelligence! Because I believe in your commandments.
Fast and pray to always have common sense.
Descartes to common sense is the thing best shared, to say that common sense is universal, it is our beliefs, our certainties, our opinions in a conversation.
Our passage of the day teaches us to have the process judgments of our renewed intelligence by Christ, allows us to discern the true from the false, to come out of our dreams, our illusions.
That is why God sanctifies us so that we think as He thinks.
Without Jesus to build us, to educate, to mold, we will not reach the designs of God, we do not surpass ourselves according to the plan of the Lord,
Let us call on the Lord to give us a spiritual appearance and supernatural revelations to do things right.
And for that, only Jesus can give us the ability to go beyond our thoughts.
Hello people of God.
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