My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

Let’s run away laziness!
We are always finding excuses to justify our situation.
No effort to provide, just contentment.
Let’s know that a lazy person weakens his team and reduces group energy.
A lazy pastor breaks the enthusiasm of a church, cracking their passion to win souls.
Our text this morning is Proverbs, 18: 9 – He who relaxes in his work Is a brother of the one who destroys.
Pray not to relent in your effort
If we do not do well what we have to do, we waste our time and our strengths.
If we are heavy, we violate the plan of God.
If by laziness, lack of motivation, or negligence, we encourage the stopping of a work, we prevent others from enjoying the results of their efforts, we sin.
Not going to the end of things, whether spiritual, material, can produce serious consequences.
The one who relaxes from his work also means the one who is discouraged or does not take his task seriously impinges on the advancement of the service of others, that is no different from the destroyer or the enemy.
God forbids us passivity, lightness, cowardice.
To refuse to fight, to suffer to achieve one’s goals is to participate in the work of destruction.
We are always very motivated, dynamic, lively for the work that concerns us but when it comes to the work of God, our arms are weakened, we consider so little the word of God, we refuse to open our hearts to the love of God.
The fact that we allow ourselves to be carried away by nonchalance is not the goal of God, he wants us whole and grateful.
Hello here
Have a good day
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