My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

Today is the 16th and it’s Sunday.
On Sundays, we go to worship on Sunday, everyone has a specific place to worship their God.
On this day, we celebrate the eternal with our time and our love, we gather in the presence of the Lord in his house to recognize that he is unparalleled.
To assemble is one thing but to be in a sacred place, chosen, blessed by God is another thing.
It is not every place where we commune that authenticates the mark of Yaweh, it is not because we seem to be at ease in an assembly that it proves that God is there.
Well, it is God who leads us into our land of blessing, he wants us in a specific place with a precise anointed and it is up to us to dispose ourselves to capture the spiritual language of the house in which we serve.
Also, we can be in a church where God has attested, but at a certain moment it delocalizes us, or separates us for one reason or another.
For all these reasons, we must watch, we must pray, pray not to deceive or confuse instructions, pray not to be distracted, pray to keep the zeal and flame of the Lord at the top of us.
Let’s not go into the ministries because our families or our acquaintances go there, let’s go because the spirit of God is there, let’s go by conviction.
And to get to that, we only have one thing to do: Pray for RMI.
Job, 12: 9 – Who does not recognize among them the proof that the hand of the Lord has done all things?
The RMI is a ministry, it is a church that is taken as contact point for all the churches.
To be blessed, we must be at the right source, to have eternal life, we must be in relationship with the one who has the life in his hands, to be able to testify his benefits of the Lord, it is necessary to be attached to him.
Without prayer, without words, there is no true church, there is no Jesus.
Many assemblies grow but very few do not have the approval of the Royal throne.
Pray for God to confirm our presence in our meetings, pray that every child of God will find satisfaction in the love of the Lord.
Hello People of God
Have a good day
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