My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

Goodness in the Lord hello,
I do not know where to start this morning, I do not even know how to introduce the theme of the day, but I only know that I’m going to align myself with the father’s instruction because he knows us, he knows we have tendency to fall into laziness.
For some, it’s a way of life, they are nonchalant and always need motivation to overcome their inertia.
The Bible tells us that God has commanded us to work, he himself has set an example.
So for him, laziness is a sin.
Some Christians sometimes think that it is because they are in the Lord that they must do nothing, they are closed to every dream, to any project, they nourish and maintain laxity, waiting for God and others for their coming help and rescue them.
Many of us are idle and we are anxious to think that God still has something special to do, he has accomplished everything and is waiting for our transformed lives to bear fruit.
Until when will we sleep?
How long will we get out of our sleep to get up?
Laziness introduces poverty, misery into our homes.
We want to encourage ourselves on this day to not be lazy, no one has ever succeeded without fighting, without working hard.
Laziness develops religion and weakens us in our moments of hardship and turbulence.
Solomon said * a little sleep and poverty will surprise us * he is right when we do not rest, after it becomes a habit, then a character and after that it’s complicated to get rid of it and it’s like that that we find ourselves disjointed, empty, without landmarks, we become very fast mocking topics for others and welcome frustrations.
We need to move, even the church sleeps, no spiritual awakening, everyone must do their job, there is something for everyone, let us be a burden to no one.
That’s why the Lord gives us this advice: avoid laziness !!
Ecclesiastes 10:18 – When hands are lazy, the frame sinks; and when the hands are loose, the house has gutters.
Hands symbolize our possessions, and when we do not have the strengths or predispositions to hold what we must have, we lack the capacity to build a solid foundation.
How can we strengthen ourselves, be courageous if we do not attach ourselves to God?
So let’s get out of our laziness and go back to work.
Hello again
Have a good day

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