My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

Maaaaassa, God only wants to expose us this turn, it goes deep into the depths to find what we really are.
We always have a reason to justify what we are, we like to lay our faults on others, we are always looking for who to accuse.
Excuses, pretexts, justifications, alibis, explanations, regrets, defense, loopholes ….
All this is us, always find what to say to clear us, never accept anything without outline.
It’s our very nature, we inherited it from our parents.
In the first book of the Bible, we have the origin of the excuses, Adam had an excuse when he sinned, he accused Eve, he wanted to defend himself yet he was already in error.
When we invite someone to church or a program, she is quick to say that the wizard churches, the churches that make too much noise …
What has not worked my brother, times are hard, life is not easy, it’s not my fault, it’s my father who made me ca …
God is tired of us, change forgiveness.
Let’s stop hearing that we are not the guarantors of our destiny, even if others have harmed us, they have no power to control our lives, our talents, our gifts, our potential is in us, that depends on us and no one else.
The Bible says that the world is waiting for our manifestation, our demarcation.
Our past must not be an excuse for imprisoning us and chaining us.
Do not bury our abilities with excuses that limit us and make us stagnate.
Let us stop despising the precious blood of Jesus who changes every situation.
Let’s give up on anger, on bitterness, let Jesus lead our emotions and our feelings.
Let’s not neglect the power of the resurrection of Christ, it can take us out of this pit and propel us.
This is why he said in Judges, 6:15 – Gideon said to him, “Ah! my lord, with what shall I deliver Israel? Behold, my family is the poorest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.
Reject false excuses!
A man like Gedeon whom God has chosen, he has set aside to deliver a people but he is underestimating himself, he sees himself too weak, too small, too unobtrusive to accomplish great things, he does not see what he may have the potential to carry out this project.
Evidence is for others and not for him.
My friend, let’s leave the excuses and go for it.
Let’s take courage and let’s go.
The eyes of others do not advance us in any way, on the contrary, it helps us to feel more pity.
Excuses are for the weak and our God is greater, stronger, higher than we claim.
In good word, hello.
That’s our contribution this morning.
Hello everyone
Have a good day
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