My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

At this return, Cameroon is alarmed by the educational program of children.
According to the parents, the books are flooded with lightness that can destroy the children instead of building them and found a base for a certain future.
Parents complain about the excesses and the perversity of the Cameroonian education system of our children.
Beyond this sector, we are at the dawn of elections, the country is in fear, everyone is in an instability, we imagine disturbances that create fear in people’s minds.
It is also normal that we think so because we do not believe in our country, we are always declaring the negative, we see this nation as the one where live the corrupted men and who can not change anymore, nobody wants to make efforts, nobody wants to rally, unite to see our territory improve, we have all developed, sowed doubt in the minds.
Nobody sees himself evolve, emerge without human help, the world has taught us that he is the only one who can power us and get us out of stagnation.
That’s what men say is the truth of men but listen to our father tell us the opposite this morning.
He invites us to pray, to pray for this nation, for our lives.
Prayer is an effective weapon for reversing situations.
Let us stand up for this nation, let the word of God penetrate us and strengthen us.
Pray for Cameroon.
Luke 1:37 – For nothing is impossible to God.
We are not small to change the decree of this country, we must stand for peace, for balance, for health.
With God, this nation can experience a breathtaking turn around, a change that will amaze those in the process.
Let us put this country in the hands of God, he is capable, he is the beginning and the end, let his spirit breathe in this environment, let him take us to the high places to position ourselves.
How will this be done?
He is God and nothing is impossible for him.
Thank you Lord for your presence and your love in this country.
May glory return to you, father.
Hello people of God
Have a good day

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