My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

Thank you Lord for this week that is coming to an end,
It’s thanks to you that we can get up in the morning,
it is thanks to you that we are in Health,
it is always thanks to you that our opponents are defeated.
And for all that, thank you.
Thank you for your presence among us, thank you for your love that rocks us, thank you for your loyalty.
You are equal to Yaweh yourself,
You do not change.
We have Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
We have the past, the present, the future.
The times change, the situations change, the nature changes, the Men change but you, Father, you are noting, you are permanent, you are perfect.
The Bible says that you are not a man to lie, nor the son of a man to repent, what you said, you will do it
Lord, you are not like us who change our minds according to our moods, our affinities, you are above all to become, your truth is the same.
The theme of this morning’s lesson is Celebrate the Lord for he is forever faithful.
Psalms 89:35 – I will not break my covenant, nor change what is left of my lips.
God is eternally faithful.
Eternally = incessantly, always, indefinitely, without end, always, continually ….
Faithful = committed, reliable, original, honest, loyal, objective, punctual.
Nothing shakes God, it is firm and rock-solid.
The word of God encourages us to be thankful for the way God works in our lives.
God is not subject to times and times, he subsists eternally.
We have the Bible as a base, we are in the world but we are not of the world.
We can not function as the world tells us, we will always be disappointed and that is why God invites us to squeeze and cultivate his word in our hearts.
He calls us to discernment when we are confused in trials.
Let’s bat our lives on the word of God, let the fear of God take space in our hearts.
And so, God will recognize us and say, “Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master.”
And it is to all this that we must aspire for on the cries of joy resound in the kingdom of God.
Hello family
Have a good day

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