My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

Hello to us,
Thank the Lord for his graces and for his love.
He always responds when we invite him, he takes us away from danger when the devil watches us.
It is our guarantee, it is our insurance and for it to precede us, we need a protocol of agreement.
He does not mix with defilement, he wants us to be true and whole.
We are in a society where those who do not love God respect nothing, they have no limit, they want to influence those who want to serve the Lord, they make fun of those who stand out in the kingdom of God.
It is true that we live and work with people contaminated by their way of thinking, by their mentality which is far from the divine sphere.
In any case, one can not cure an illness without protecting oneself.
A Christian must be the witness of the goodness of God, through him the others must glorify the name of the Lord.
When we go through the history of Sodom and Gomorrah, we realize the influences that prevailed, everyone behaved as if homosexuality, violence were common, it was normal to live like this, by dint of to be in one place, we end up behaving like the others.
The word of God says that we will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between the proud and the humble, between those who serve God and those who worship idols.
Babylon has come together to challenge God, to challenge our creator.
Let us know that we must make choices, it is imperative to separate the people from God and the world, any worship done to a deity is idolatry.
We, as Sons of God, have to go through sanctification, purification, cleansing us of compromises, refusing the filth of the world.
We must be radical not to isolate ourselves but to accept to be in collusion with the world.
Even the Bible reminds us that * we are in the world but we are not of the world *
Let us not be trapped by the aesthetics and beauty of the world.
Thus our instruction this morning is Exodus, 34:15 – Be careful not to make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, lest they prostitute themselves to their gods and offer them sacrifices, and invite you not, and you do not eating of their victims;
Fast and pray to join the pagans in their idolatry.
Let’s escape the problems, the time is serious.
Hello again
Have a good day

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