My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

Life sometimes has a lot of surprises,
a challenge,
to face an unforeseen,
manage a difficulty,
a stress to overcome, all that without us being prepared.
But we must make choices, we must make a decision to move forward and it is not always obvious since we have a future to build.
What a situation!!
Especially when the doubt, the worries, the climate of uncertainty in which we are pushes us to take a step back and recognize that God is faithful.
Even as we move away from home, God remains and remains good and faithful.
We have a God who does not change, whatever the circumstances, he is there, he provides for us, he brings us out of all confusion.
God is a covenant God, all he has said, he will do.
Let’s just take the commitment to live according to his principles, in communion with him.
The Bible tells us in Psalms 36: 5 – He meditates injustice on his bed, He stands on a path that is not good, He does not repel evil.
Praise God for his infinite goodness.
Men are not true, they only show part of them, but God is of boundless goodness.
It is enough to look at the world to understand that the works of God are marvelous, of extraordinary wisdom and perfection.
The Lord does not only seek to satisfy us, he also wants to fill us with peace and joy.
Let’s love Yaweh and no enemy on earth will be able to separate us from his love.
We have no one else to trust us to, take our hands and saturate us with you.
You are what our whole life seeks and wants, your patience with us is immense and your presence continues to accompany us.
For this day again, we are mobilizing to say thank you and recognize your infine goodness.
Hello here
Have a good day
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