My Month of Commitment!Deut.23:23

The end of a thing is better than its beginning.
It may be difficult, but Lord, you always mark your presence,
It can not change, your plan is always fulfilled,
And for that, thank you Lord, you are the belt of our lives,
You are the only true source that keeps us up.
We spend our time being infidels but you, in your sovereignty, you remain equal to yourself.
How not to give thanks for this month which is ending,
Jesus, thank you for your protection, it is not because we pray to you much,
Thank you for your love which rocks us and precedes us, it is not because we are particular.
It’s first of all by your will, it’s your choice, it’s your decision.
That’s why we want to celebrate you in a unique way, that’s why we want to recognize again and again that El Berit is your name and that you are powerful, we want to say aloud that you are a covenant God.
All that you say, every program, every promise never falls on a sterile land, you always feel reassured to make it germinate because everything is under your control.
God has made alliances with us, but we do not understand that when it suits us an alliance, it’s two people, two parties, two commitments.
It is in our interest to walk in alliance with God, the whole Bible tells only the covenants that have been made between God and men.
The alliance is more a relationship than a contract,
In a relationship, we care about others, when in a contract, we are looking for our interests first.
The alliance changes our status, our identity and allows us to discover ourselves.
That is why God will never let us down, His covenant obliges His mercy.
Whenever we return to the Lord with all humility, He will always answer.
He testifies in Ezekiel 16:62 – I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the LORD,
Pray for a new covenant to be established between you and God.
We do not realize the importance of having an alliance with Yaweh, we must know that our lives and our knowledge are sealed by an alliance.
God makes agreements with people who are available and willing for him and his work, it is proof that we are under his cover.
We must be committed, obedient and upright children so that the blood of Jesus continues to cry for our safety.
Hello people of God
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