My Month of Spiritual Growth! 2Chronicles17:6

We have a mission on earth.
One of the important commandments of our Lord is to love one another, when we have love for others, we do not spend our time asking for things only for ourselves but we also stand for others we also intercede for them, it is in prayer that everything is put in place, it is in intercession that things move spiritually.
Spiritual growth also passes through intercession, if Jesus does it for us, we are called to follow him in this way.
We are unsatisfied and interested men, each of us wants our interests, no one wants to help, we want everything for us but know that if Jesus is our model, we must also know that he is love, he is overflowing with love and compassion.
We are available when it comes to our families and friends, but when it comes to others, we are closed and insensitive to any surge of pity, we close our hearts, we refuse to have God put anything in our minds .
This is the lesson of the day.
Intercede for someone.
Ephesians 1:16 – I do not stop giving thanks for you, mentioning you in my prayers,
Our prayers shake the world of darkness,
Our prayers bring blessing.
* I always give thanks for you * = we must be grateful all the time, continually, not only when everything is fine, not only when our business flourishes, not only when we are healthy but we must rent it now, tomorrow and always.
It is turning our eyes to Jesus, it is to look up to the mountains where help comes to us.
Paul in his humility teaches us gratitude.
The more he prays, the more his faith grows, the more he gives thanks.
To stop giving thanks is to intercede, it is to intervene in favor of someone.
Intercession requires commitment, seriousness, fidelity.
Let’s learn to ask the best for the people for whom we pray, pray that they remain faithful and especially that they grow spiritually.
An intercessor must bear the burden of others, he feels involved in the lives of the people for whom he prays.
And this stems from fraternal communion.
Interceder is having love.
Let’s not discourage, pray, intercede, let’s cheer and together we will change something in the world.
Hello to us
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