My Month of Spiritual Growth! 2Chronicles17:6

We are no different from the people of Israel who do not pay attention to the faithfulness of God.
We are blind, we never see the grace of God in our lives.
When we are going through difficult times and we are on the verge of depression, let us remember that God is with us.
Let’s stop thinking that the Lord has abandoned us.
God always accompanies us in our times of distress, he will not allow us to cross anything that is above our strength.
The Bible says that everything contributes to our good so these circumstances shape us and batient.
This morning we are talking about the faithfulness of God.
Fidelity has become an option, we zap without embarrassment, we betray ourselves, we hate each other, we fight each other …
We focus on people based on our interests and expectations.
We are far from having understood that God is love and it is a fundamental rule with him.
Loyalty is at every level, it is part of our lives and the Lord wishes us to learn to be grateful, to witness to the greatness of His name.
He says to us in Psalms, 40:11 – I do not hold in your heart your righteousness, I publish your truth and your salvation; I do not hide your goodness and your faithfulness in the great assembly.
Testify about the faithfulness of God!
Every day we go to our offices,
we are healthy,
we see ours, we have the minimum but we always complain, we never take a minute to say to God thank you for his goodness and his fidelity.
Let us learn to celebrate our God, he acts every day, he manifests himself every moment in our lives.
The more grateful we are, the more God bless us, the more the joy and peace of the Lord is our foundation.
Let’s share our testimonies with our environment,
Let’s stop always wanting to bring God back to our moods and to our
way of life.
God is faithful, he has not changed and he is not ready to do it,
It is we who always want to round the angels to please and dilute the truth and immensity of the King of kings.
Hello everyone
Have a good day
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