My Month of Spiritual Growth!2Chr17:6

RMI, while others organize their receptions, invite and mobilize people to celebrate and share their joy, their honor, their victory because they won the race, they won the trophy and the time has come to make stand out once again.
So while it’s a holiday elsewhere, God puts us to work.
He wants each of us to be involved in this organization, he expects from us a strong rally that will make the difference.
To party, you need a motive, determination.
To be rewarded, we must have proven our ability to stand out.
The victory is for those who work hard to achieve their goal and that is why the Lord invites each of his children not to skimp on the means and develop in us a spirit of fighting, winning, winner.
Without this spirit, we will not succeed, we will always struggle to reach our goals, we will not put seriousness in our work with the Lord, we will always make evangelization with heaviness and negligence.
And that’s what Yaweh expects of us today.
This is the lesson of the day: pray to become a soul winner.
Proverbs, 11:30 – The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the wise man takes away souls.
For God, the true sages are those who give up everything to win souls, who sacrifice themselves for others, who fight aggressively to get others out of the clutches of the enemy, and that’s why we need the strength and love of God for this battle.
It is really a problem for us Christians to speak God, we are always afraid that we will be criticized, we let ourselves be intimidated by others, also because we do not know our God that we let ourselves melt in the crowd we lack confidence.
God is alive and powerful, to say it to the world is to testify to the veracity of his name.
We can not continue to cross our arms and let the world suffocate us without spreading the good news, without telling the earth that Jesus is the source of life.
The gospel only becomes good news if we agree to share it with those who do not know it.
Let’s get up to compete,
Let’s stand up to face the world with the Bible.
It is beautiful to say that the word of God is for the weak, the fearful but we are here to tell us that only the scriptures give the assurance of eternal life. Instead of asking God for our comfort, let’s say him to save the souls of our families and friends,
Thus, we will be wise and we will become soul winners.
Hello team
Have a good day
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