My Month of Evangelism! Mk16:15

Hello here, God wants to tell us before the year comes to an end that he loves us. He loves us, that’s all. No condition, no constraint, he does not choose those who deserve his attention, he is the one for everyone. his love is intact, intense. It is his nature, he is love. He loves the lost, he loves the guilty, those who do not deserve to be loved according to us. The Bible says that God so loved the world that He gave His only son What love! Who of us can do the same? Who can make this great sacrifice for his friends, still less for his enemies? The love of God is precious, we must know how to be grateful. His love is our guard oven, his love is our assurance. His sacrifice was the expression of his immense love. This morning, God invites us to be witnesses, to tell everyone that his love is available to all. He says in John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Tell people about the amazing love of God. God gave his only son, his all, all he had. He knew that Jesus is the answer, he knew that Jesus is everything we need, he is more than enough, he is whole, he is complete because everything comes from him, everything has been done by him. Jesus is the peace and the path we want to pioneer ourselves, he is the light that engulfs darkness. God offered his son because his blood is powerful, his blood erases all the imperfections of the devil. He is Lord and his love has not changed for centuries, he has remained the same. His name alone fills us. Put our trust in him, our expectations are in him. The son of God is the source of life, he is life, he is alive. Jesus came to save us and bear our sins and curses. The only requirement of the Lord is that we must believe in him, we must trust him. As a son, our life is wrapped in the love of the Lord. We must know that God was not obliged to save the world, a world that rejected and condemned it but because of his love for us, he did it. God wants us to spread the good news, everyone must receive salvation. When we remember the high price paid by the Lord, we can only carry the message of the gospel. Hello again Have a nice day.

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