My Month of Evangelism!Mk16:15

Brothers and sisters hello, To evangelize is to announce the good news, it is to testify of our new life, it is to speak of our Jesus to someone. To evangelize shows my attachment to God, it is our way of uniting ourselves with the Father. To put ourselves at the service of the Lord, we must begin with ourselves, it is first by our lives, by our assurance, our joy of life that we must preach the example, it is by this that God will be more credible to those who do not know him. This morning, our text from Romans 15:25 – At present I am going to Jerusalem for the service of the saints. Pray for God to show where you have evangelize. * Currently * = for now, for now, now * I go to Jerusalem for the Service of Saints * = I go to the nations to talk about the gospel. We have a mission today, to spread the good news. We can not talk about the word of God anyhow, we do it because we know that the name of Jesus is the solution to our worries, we do it because we know that trust in Jesus helps us differentiate. And that’s why we need to identify a place, we need to pray for a place where we have to exercise the gifts that God has given us. We all have a place of blessing, a place God has chosen and prepared, a place where the Lord has made the way, cleansed the way for us to be more productive with good fruit. The work of God needs discipline, we do not get up if God did not lead us there. The Lord for this day, makes us capable, qualifies us for his service. It’s not up to people to come to us, it’s up to us to go to them. Let us stand for the work of God, our task is to bring men to be disciples and to be a disciple, we must let ourselves be taught by the teacher. Pray for obedience and practice of the word of God. Hello again Have a good day

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