My Month of Evangelism!Mk16:15

God cares for us, he calls us to him, he invites us to join him, he has an interest for every soul that goes astray, he does not want to lose us. In the book of James, 5:19 – My brethren, if any of you have gone astray from the truth, and another brings him back, James 5:20 – that he who knows that he who brings a sinner back from the way he went astray will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins. Pray and act in order to bring back a brother / sister in the Lord. The Lord exhorts us this morning to take care of our brethren, to make sure that we do not depart from the truth and the path that leads to paradise. So if a brother has sinned, if he acknowledges his fault, ask forgiveness, the brother who brought him back into the Lord’s way has achieved his goal, he has won his brother, he has restored a soul and there is joy in heaven. Sin causes a spiritual break. If we invest in evangelizing, we will save someone from a situation that can lead to his ruin. We can not remain indifferent when one of us lives in sin. We must intervene in order to save a soul while ensuring that we lead a life that is God’s. To evangelize is to meet the other who does not know God, it is an attitude of the heart. Evangelize to bring every man to salvation, and this is possible only in Jesus Christ. The Christian who evangelizes honors his master, he refuses to be influenced by the pressures of the world. Let’s not miss out on our mission, do not close ourselves to any opportunity to find answers to the essential questions of our lives, continue to assist those in danger, let the gospel sit in our hearts and make ourselves available for to advance the work of God. Hello here Have a good day.

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