My Month of Gratitude! Job 12:9

A wind blew, it blew in our direction, it blew on our dirt and on our mistakes, it blew on the authority of the bonds of slavery, it blew so much that it broke the chains of the oppressors, he cleaned the depressions. There was a movement, there was a spiritual shift, he moved habits, mentalities and he installed a new intensity, it gives a look to our nature. This wind is violent, it announces the rain, it announces the change, it comes shake our comfort and impose another dimension. 2018 went away with its handicaps and its difficulties, everything was narrow and rough yesterday but today, 2019 comes with its joys, with its insurance, with its fertility. This year will not be like the others, it will be flooded with wonders, it will be saturated with favors. Let everyone be ready with his baskets, the monsoon will be great in this new year. God saw our sorrows, our cries went up to him and he answers us in a practical way, he challenges us and he baptizes this year with this theme: * My year of Racoltes * Psalms 128: 2 – Then you enjoy the work of your hands, you are happy, you prosper. It is not tomorrow that we will take advantage of the work of our hands, it is today and now. All we do is not lost, all the energies that we spend doing the work God is not in vain, all these waiting times to do the will of God are not forgotten, all these efforts that we make believing that no one sees or notices are not useless …. The eternal has seen them all and promises us that this year we will harvest what we sowed. How not to say thank you to the Lord for our lives? It brings us into a new opportunity. Thank you for this new strength, Thank you for this new beginning with you. We want to see things like you, Lord, we want to enter your timing dad, we want to give you, our life, our spirit. We want to renew our alliance with you, renew our confidence to serve you, we are here to take a new momentum, a new flight, a new commitment. We want to be reconciled with you, with your will, with your love. Console us father, give new openings, a new zeal. We are a disobedient, unstable people but because of your name, be our future and give us the balance and stability we need to gauge the greatness of your actions. Through this month, we want to express our gratitude for offering acclamations to God, it is not a spontaneity to be grateful but father, give us to give you all our attention, we complain too often, forgetting your blessings, so we want to pause to contemplate the immensity of your glory. Teach us then Lord to appreciate these privileges and all these capacities that you place in front of us. Those who are self-sufficient know that they have power, those who are great do not humble themselves, those who have everything are unbelievers and God reminds us one thing to walk the New Year, he works with the little ones, with those who have agreed to be at the size of Yaweh and that’s how it will allow everyone to locate his treasure to have the right words to say thank you. And for, he invites us to take a position of gratitude in this month. He wants to teach us the power of thanksgiving, it’s one of the secrets of the harvest. January 2019: * our month of gratitude * Job, 12: 9 – Who does not recognize among them the proof that the hand of the Lord has done all things? What did we not understand? We have what we have not been given? Even breathing, talking, eating, going out, staying upright … is a grace of the Lord. Nothing is acquired, everything is grace. God is good. Can we only explain his goodness? His fidelity is too great, he deserves that each of us draws his reverence. 2 Timothy 2:13 – if we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he can not deny himself. Give glory and honor to the Lord for his faithfulness. We are the miracle of God, hope is in the name of Jesus, hope is in the love of Jesus. So let’s stop for a moment this month just to say thank you to God for everything. Happy New Year everyone May we bless each other again and again. In the name of Jesus. Amen

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