My Month of Gratitude! Job12:9

Good morning, The Bible says that huh we are all sinners. * all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God * We are all in the same position, no one is better than the other, we are all unable to reach God because of sin. Sin disqualifies us, sin separates us and takes us out of the path of God. It prevents us from being where God has planned for us, it closes our sky and forbids the promises of God to be fulfilled. The devil turned us away and it was not God’s plan for us, he created us in his image and for his glory. In His grace, He came to us when we could not, He cleansed all our convictions with His blood, He bore our burdens, He did not choose to justify the meritorious, neither the graduates nor the elites and let alone pastors. There is no exception, we have all sinned, we all have lost the glory of God but we can find it. The Bible says that God is merciful and compassionate. His grace enables us to be forgiven even when we are not in a position of strength. My brothers, we are not fishermen because we have necessarily sinned but because we all bear the seed of sin in us. The fact that Jesus died for us made us free, he erased our sins. That’s why he says in Romans 6:14 – For sin shall have no power over you, since you are not under the law, but under grace. Be grateful for sin shall not dominion over you. Under the law, we were sinners, we were condemned but the grace of God saved us. Whatever our sins, grace is greater than our mistakes, we are free from all sins because we no longer look at the size of our problems, but we look up to the immensity of God’s grace. We have turned our backs on sin and we are in a new covenant that keeps us standing and helps us to fulfill. Hello here. Have a nice day

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