My Month of Gratitude! Job12:9

The God we serve is a covenant God, El Berit is his name. This is our concern this morning. The alliance is an agreement, a contract between two parties. Many of us ask ourselves how we are in covenant with God, some understand only the obligations of the Lord but not theirs. In an alliance, both parties are committed to respect each other, to help each other, to be faithful … When a party misses a clause, the contract falters. God is faithful, he does and continues to do his part, he gave what he had precious to establish this alliance. When we talk about covenant, there is sacrifice on both sides, there are commitments to be honored in both directions. The sacrifice of the covenant unlocks miracles. It is to give us the guarantee, the assurance, the faith that what he promises, he will accomplish it. This is why God makes a covenant with us. When we realize that God never betrays His covenant, we trust Him. The alliance changes our status, renews our identity. Abraham, Jacob, Peter … have experienced it. The alliance is more a question of relationship than contract. In a contract, both parties are obliged to respect the agreements otherwise the project takes a blow, it is the interests above all while in a relationship, we watch others on others, our neighbor is more important than our interests. We bear the mark of the Lord in us, he has put his sign on each of his children, he has sealed this covenant with his blood, it is a pledge of our belonging to the kingdom. In the book of Deuteronomy, 7: 9 – Know that it is the LORD your God who is God. This faithful God keeps his covenant and mercy up to the thousandth generation to those who love him and keep his commandments. Thank the Lord for, he faithfully keep his covenant. This verse marks the authority of the Lord, his firmness, his decision, his conclusion. Even if we thought that we could find solutions elsewhere, even if we thought that our strengths were enough for us, even if we thought we were too safe and protected because of our marabouts or our familiar altars, let’s integrate today, that God is the one who has the last us, he is all powerful, he is the beginning and the end, no one opens where he has closed and no one closes where he has opened. It’s like that, we had no choice, it’s to take or leave.
Our God is faithful, he always keeps his promises. If the prophecy comes from him, it will happen no matter the time. It is us men who change their word, we are the infidel, it is always us who disappoint. When we are not happy, when our flesh imposes its will on us, it is we who fall on our knees. God is not like us, he always does his part, he feels compelled to do what he said. Even as we turn his back on him, he is there, Even when we are confused with sin, He is present, Even when we cross the desert, it precedes us, He is always quick to forgive us, he is always ready to reach out to us, he is always there when we need him. Let’s love the Lord, Respect these principles, Let us reconcile and be in agreement with him. His love is perfect, His consolation is incredible His forgiveness is magic, And his wedding ring is beautiful. We will not find better anywhere. Let’s hang on then. Hello friends Have a good day.

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