My Month of Compassion! Is61:1

Are we of those who are called Christians and whose hearts are hardened? Are we of those who say they serve God but do not take care of the needy and ignore them? Are we of those who call others my brother or my sister in the church and whose fraternal communion is difficult or impossible because of their social status? The word of God calls us to help the poor. The poor man is the one who has nothing, he is the one who depends on others, he is also the one who needs Jesus and can count on him. To do good is to obey the gospel. If we do not love our neighbor, if we do not care about the poor, it means that we have not yet joined the gospel. If God has done for us, we must be able to do it for others. In this world, in our families, even in the house of the Lord, no one likes to deal with the poor, everyone wants to feel superior even the poor, we think it’s not worth treating with the needy . For us, they will make us back down, they will always ask for help and rot our life, they prevent us from moving forward, we see them as an embarrassment, like those who choke us and do not want to do anything of their life. Nobody wants to talk to them, nobody can ask them for advice. We find that they are useless, devoid of all abilities and all ideas. We take them as our slaves, those who are well exploited when it comes to washing our cars or cleaning our homes. Even in the house of the Lord, this vice is well seated. Those who occupy the top positions, who have a say or who are honored are those whose wallet is full. We think they are made for some work and not us. It is they who clean the church, it is they who give their time for cleanliness, it is they who are subject. And it is we who refuse to value them. And we say that we serve God, God who is love, God who tells us * love you one another *, God who does not distinguish, God says refuses favoritism. God did not give his life only for the rich but for the poor too, he does not only intercede for the stars or the fortunate, he does it for the hungry and the poor, he does it for those who are not love and follow him. We are not better than others.
We are all children of God and we who are called Christians, where is our identity? We do not show others that we carry the mark of Jesus, we do not reflect any imprint, we act as the world recommends. We who know the value of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross have set aside a category of people. It is we who say that Jesus loves us and it is we who do not know how to make this love, it is we who reject, it is always us who despise. We were created in the image of God and each of us must be respected and loved. In Proverbs 14:31 – To oppress the poor, it is to outrage the one who did it; But to have pity on the indigent is to honor him. Do not despise the poor. Pay attention to our actions, the way we deal with others, sets us apart. Our collaboration with our neighbor determines our understanding of the pure gospel Jesus tells us about. Hello here

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