Our lives on a daily

Many times we use the word * brother * to refer to those who are biologically related to us.
The word * brother * is also used to speak of Christians, of those who are in the same spiritual family, those with whom we have fellowship.
We are all called * brother * because we are all human beings but the truth is that those who are not born to the same family are not family.
It’s hard but that’s how it is.
These are the friends of the family, they will not inherit in the same way as the legitimate children.
This is why we have to put things in perspective and know who our brother is.
Corneille was an admirable man, he led an exemplary life.
Everyone admired him, everyone respected him, he was generous, not even God was indifferent to his works.
But Crow had a problem, he had not yet given his life to the Lord, he was not yet a child of God, he was not saved, he needed to hear and obey the Lord, he had need to be in Christ for the forgiveness of his sins.
Who would not want to call this benefactor his brother, he was animated by a sincere zeal for God but he was not part of the family of God.
It is not because my brother made great sacrifices to serve, it is not because we reach out to the needy that we are children of God, that we are brothers.
It is even possible to recognize Jesus as Savior without being a brother in the faith, without accomplishing the will of the Father, without having access to the kingdom of God.
Let’s stop pretending to serve the Lord, stop being hypocrites, religious men.
Let us stop pretending to be of God, we enter churches with knowledge, doctrines … love does not exist, we do not concern ourselves with the life of our neighbor, we do not care about them, we do not share anything with them, the spirit of God does not regenerate us, does not change us, does not break us.
Cain killed his brother out of jealousy.
For Abel, he didn’t need to be careful with Cain, he didn’t need to be careful, he loved Cain but the latter had a heart full of resentment, bitterness and he let himself be carried away by this feeling.
Let us be good brothers for each other.
Let us learn to support and love each other.
In Romans, 15: : 1 – We who are strong must endure the weaknesses of those who are not, and not take pleasure in ourselves.
Be committed in being good brother / sister.
Let us support our brothers who are weak, let us encourage unity in the church.
We are all different, with different temperaments and appearances, the Lord urges us to put aside our preferences so as not to break the fellowship within the church.
The text that concerns does not also mean that the strong must always agree with the position of the weak, it does not mean that the strong have no freedom, nor does it mean that the strong must tolerate , endure the weak.
This is to say that we must be patient with the weak, we must help them with joy.
It is not our role as strong ones to humiliate our weak brothers, nor to expose them, we have to put up with their weaknesses.
We can all experience moments of weakness and rejoice in the support that others can give us.
So we are strong in supporting and helping others who are weak.
The strong does not need to have fun, he is no longer at this stage, he understands and adapts.
Paul says to be a good brother, to please his neighbor, not to flatter him, not to take advantage or not for fear of rejection.
Let us be good with our brothers to build strong relationships, to contribute to the advancement of the work of God and to arrive at a higher goal.
Let’s have a good relationship with each other even if it requires sacrifice.
To be a Christian is to be like Christ, it is to pay attention to our languages.
We must use the words of hope to encourage wounded souls.
Let us be responsible brothers who do not take advantage of others in their difficult situations.
Father, teach us to be more serious and upright towards our brothers, give us to love them no matter what trial they go through.
We put ourselves in your hands, father.
Help us to be more committed to your service and especially to let love take precedence in our actions.
Hello family
Have a good day

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