My Month Of Impact! Mt5:16

Hello Lord,
We thank you this morning for your life in us,
We applaud your army which continues to deploy for our protection and security,
We lift your name again on this day,
You are worthy, father
You are worthy of praise and honor
We want to tell you that you are our help, our rampart,
We bow down at the foot of the cross to humble ourselves before you,
To beg you to forgive us,
Yes lord
We implore your mercy,
Father, have mercy on us
We are in an environment that affects us, we are in an atmosphere that weighs on us and we let ourselves be led by the bad wind of the enemy, we have lost our values, we have allied ourselves with false gods, we have worshiped idols, we bowed down to Baal.
These altars cry out against us, these high places speak against our country.
Cameroon is the cradle of our ancestors, it was entrusted to the ancestors, it is the center of incantations and imprecations.
It is in this country that instability is based.
The roots of the alliances woven in this territory extend every day, they are attached to our way of life, they poison our relationships with people, they cultivate lightness in our midst and we do not realize the issues. of that force on us.
We are all immersed in alcoholism, sex, perversity, unemployment, it’s normal to go to bars all day, it’s even normal to go to war against your neighbor, it’s normal to corrupt and to be corrupted.
And we say we follow Christ, we say we serve him, we say we love him.
Where is the love?
Because of Jesus, we must refuse to let ourselves be influenced by the habits of the country, we must not allow ourselves to be dominated by the flesh, we must not reflect any other identity than the one the Lord has given us.
When the name of the nation is spoken, we have a certain image, a certain smell because of the declared evil words which are attached to it.
Let us be careful, we are in the image of Christ, let us do deeds that honor the country, let us be valid representatives of the glory of God on this earth.
We cannot only dream of all of us going into exile, we must also pray that things will change so that we are finally free from all bondage.
Pray for the Nation of Cameroon.
Colossians, 2:15 – he stripped rulers and authorities, and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them with the cross.
The Lord has taken off the garment of reproach, He has broken the covering of evil on us, He has removed the spirits of darkness, He has separated us from the power of Satan, He has nullified everything the enemy used to weaken us.
Jesus exposed our persecutors by triumphing over them with his resurrection and ascension, he showed the eyes of the world their weaknesses.
The bad influences have been overcome, the demonic powers have been overcome.
The country is issued.
So let’s celebrate the King of kings, let’s dance in his honor, he is the Holy of Holies, he took our places on the cross.
May the name of Jesus be glorified.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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