My Month Of Probity ! Ro13:13

Why do Christians live in poverty when Jesus accomplished everything at the cross of Golgotha?
Why do God’s children still languish when the blessing has been released?
Why does the church that is the bride of Jesus fail to enjoy the best fruits released into the spiritual granary?
We heirs are not aware of the emptiness that controls us, we do nothing to come out of our state of stagnation, we do not know how to attract what is a blessing to manifest.
Lack reduces us, it demeans us, it keeps us in captivity, it makes us slaves.
David realized that he was certainly a warrior but he needed God to silence his pride if he wanted to go far, he needed to erase himself for God to take place.
He said that the Lord is his Shepherd, he appropriated the Lord, he put all his trust in him. David used to put God first, that’s his pretext.
David had assumed the status of a sheep when he was before his God, he was part of the Lord’s flock.
The shepherd is the one who takes care of us, he is the one who provides for us, he is the one who advises us and who is our strength.
David also understood that the presence of God had to move him away from lack, he knew that to have God is to have everything.
Not to be lacking is to surround yourself well, it is to have friends who help us to fulfill our destiny, it is to have an influential and imposing relationship.
Jonathan was a friend of David, they really loved each other, they could count on each other, they looked after each other.
It was not a relationship of exploitation, of enslavement but a healthy friendship that made them stick together.
The bible says that the Lord taught us that he gives us our daily bread.
It’s a promise from God, there’s no way it would be otherwise.
Every day we should enjoy and benefit from the fruits of our hands.
Lack is not only material, it is also spiritual.
It has nothing to do with the things of the world although it is also important.
A man told Jesus in Mark 4, * Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life? *
Beloved, this man was not a poor man, he was rich, he was humble because he knelt down but he understood that he was missing something, he knew that his riches could not not take him to heaven.
He only asked for eternal life, to be with God.
He wanted to save his soul. Although this man was honest and faithful to the law of Moses, he realized that it could not be enough to get to heaven.
He had to follow Jesus.
But to follow the Lord, we must leave everything, abandon everything, we must separate from our idols and that is what was difficult for this man.
He was very attached to his possessions, he was not ready for self-denial, he could not leave his fortune to start a new affair with the Father.
We want to tell each other this morning that this man is not an isolated case, we are all the same, we have gods, altars that we maintain who keep us in prisons.
What are we really missing?
The truth is that the lack of love reigns in the world, the lack of forgiveness tears lives apart, but it doesn’t seem to concern us if our wealth grows and we are full of the stars.
God is able to heal us from lack and emptiness.
Matthew 25:29 – For whoever has, to him will be given, and he will have more abundance: but from him who does not have, even that which he has will be taken away.
Pray that you never be in lack.
The rich will always be rich and the poor will get poorer if nothing is done.
How can we still take away from the poor when they have nothing?
It means that the poor thinks they have nothing or that they don’t see what they have.
In the parable of the talents, the bad servant could not multiply the talent that had been entrusted to him, he did not take the gift seriously, he did not know how to value what he had, he refused to discover himself, to let his potential be expressed, he buried what he had and he lost everything.
And that’s the poor man’s mentality.
This is why the rich who knows how to bounce back, who loves movement will always be great when the poor will always be lazy, asleep.
So let’s be careful, be careful of everything we listen to and everyone we hang out with that can keep us in want.
Lack is sin.
The word of God says that God is our provider.
So let’s invoke him and he will give us what our hearts desire.
Good morning all
Have a good day

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