My Month Of Benevolence ! Jn15 :12

When we read the word of God, we realize that one thing is put forward, a virtue, a quality that God advocates, and that is love.
Remaining in the love of God is what protects us.
Agape love is our topic of the day, it is unconditional love, it is brotherly love, disinterested love, it is a love that is not turned on oneself but rather on others, on welcoming, to understand others, to give them, to receive them, it is to sacrifice oneself for the others, it is to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.
Love does not distinguish, it overcomes our emotions and our feelings, it imposes silence on our selfish and proud impulses.
John, 15: 9 – As the Father loved me, I also loved you. Remain in my love.
Pray forever to abide in agape love.
Jesus asks us to live in love with him and between us.
What he received from the father, he gives us free of charge, he gives us what he has most precious, he shares.
If we find it difficult to love, let us ask ourselves if we have received the love of Christ since we do not know him.
It is when we receive the love of God, that our heart expands to accept others, that the overflow of the love of the father takes place.
Love is the nature of God, he loved us, he made us in his likeness, our joy is to give ourselves and love like him.
The love of God is genuine, pure, without variation, without blemish …
Let us be encouraged and abide in the Lord.
Even though we are humiliated and accused, Jesus loves us and he remains faithful.
The love of God, no matter how hard it is, will never cease, let’s be confident.
Love must invade us to the point of bonding us with the father.
To love is to participate in the work that God has entrusted to us, it is to invite us to take part in the salvation of the people around us.
Lord, touch our hearts and grant us to love each other without interest or condition.
Help us to let your word transform our hearts.
Hello everyone
Have a good day

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