My Month Of Reconstruction ! Jer31 :4

If the great men of the Bible who served God properly, who were devoted to the Lord have allowed themselves to be intimidated, we must understand that we have groundwork to do.
Genesis 20 tells us that Abraham was to spend a stay in Gerar with Sarah, he allowed himself to be intimidated by the people of this country and by Abimelech, Abraham was afraid of being killed because his wife was very beautiful, he l ‘therefore presented as his Sister and God intervened to put things in order.
Jacob, after stealing the birthright from his brother Esau, fled.
He knew his brother was a hunter and could kill him.
He got scared and he fled.
When he arrives at Laban, his uncle, his daughter Rachel pleases him.
Laban, very influential and very authoritarian, forces Jacob to work in order to have his daughter, but Laban, by virtue of his status, forces Jacob to take Leah and still work if he wants Rachel.
Jacob, embarrassed by this situation and not having the capacity to oppose Laban, gave in to the whims of his father-in-law.
Another strong case in the bible, Jezebel and his command.
She is the one who dominates, she has a strong character, she was powerful, she is the one who reigns, she is the authority.
She had all the prophets of Israel killed until 100 was hidden.
She will stop at nothing on the contrary, it is she who controls.
It is she who dictates the rules and her laws, she has her prophets who serve her and who swear in her name.
Even when Naboth has dared to deny the king his field, she has her killed.
She intimidates, she disrupts and destroys everything in her path.
Bullying, a bad character that breaks lives, it stops us in our growth and in our walk with Jesus.
When we cast out a demon it leaves but if we don’t work spiritually it comes back with seven other spirits to oppress us.
It is intimidation.
Let’s not give up, don’t give in to the devil.
When Nehemiah wanted to build and build the wall, go ahead.
The mockery, the discouragement began.
Let us reject the lies of the enemy.
At times, concerns seize us, we fear to face criticism or slander, persecution comes from all sides.
Like Moses, it is God who qualifies, what men think, what our entourage tells us is a fact, it is not the truth.
The truth is in Jesus.
Let us choose to trust the Lord.
In Ezra, 4: 4 – Then the people of the land discouraged the people of Judah; they intimidated him to prevent him from building,
Do not allow anyone to intimidate you!
Let us know that the day we decide to step out of our routine, to do something with our lives, to make a commitment to distinguish ourselves, people will stand up to discourage and intimidate us.
People don’t like to see others stand out, they prefer to pull us down and suffocate us.
No one will prevent us from realizing ourselves, no one will limit us, she will not be able because Jesus is on the throne and he watches.
Let’s look at Jesus and he will act.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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