My Month Of Polishing ! Ez36:29

We bless your name Father for all these servants of God who toil for your work,
We applaud all those men of God who pay a high price for the gospel to be clean,
We honor those pastors who have chosen to be slaves of the Lord,
We greet these shepherds who intercede for the church and for the nation,
We encourage those leaders who build disciples and do not compromise themselves,
We respect those shepherds who put aside their challenges and carry those of others.
Lord, remember all those responsible who thirst for your visitation, protect their families, redouble the love in their hearts.
Father, teach your anointed to trust and count on you, you are faithful.
Teach your heroes that it is not the number of members that makes them valiant, nor fighters, otherwise we will think that Jesus’ ministry was a failure because there were only twelve.
The search for security and comfort has distorted your called ones, they have confused prosperity and begging, their eyes are fixed on the purses of their faithful, they are hung on the lips of the sheep and have decided to close their hearts to the will.
Father, this morning we want to ask your forgiveness.
We ask for your forgiveness because we, the sheep do not pray for our leaders, it is even we who drag them into sin, it is even we who refuse to stay in our places and we introduce familiarity into our relationships.
Remember, Lord of all these men of God who fight against a sin or a character, remember the tears of these pastors who cry in secret,
Remember all the trials that break and lessen them.
Keep them in your breasts and separate them from everything that takes your place in their life, from everything that presents itself to them as their idols.
Lord, we take authority over all these languages ​​that poison the lives of our leaders.
It is not easy for them too, we encourage them less, we are more always trying to find what to say, what to blame them.
Father, have mercy on us and your servants.
We beg you to restore their lives.
Where they broke your covenant, Lord restore it.
Where they had led your people into perdition, please Lord forgive.
Where they had called confusion, lack of love willfully or not, Jesus delivers.
We call for help, come and change the order of things and heal souls.
In 2 Corinthians, 13: 9 – We rejoice when we are weak, while you are strong; and what we ask in our prayers is your improvement.
Pray for your pastors.
Even in the midst of trouble, let’s be happy.
We should not live by sight but by faith because Jesus is sovereign.
The Bible says to always be joyful, our strength is in joy.
When we are depressed and sad we are weak, but when we are happy we are full of energy.
To rejoice in trials is to say to the Lord that we trust him, that we will come out of it by being more than conquerors.
Paul knows it is not easy and prays that we never give up no matter how hard the shaking is.
Let us pray to always do good in order to benefit from a perfect restoration, from complementarity.
We cannot be strong without being weak.
So, let’s get up every day and pray for our leaders, ask the Lord to extend his mighty hand to hide them in his blood so that when the enemy passes, he does not steal anyone.
In the name of Jesus
Hello to us
Have a good day

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