My Month Of Polishing ! Ez36:29

We are in a society which trivializes everything, which takes everything lightly, where the abnormal has become normal, where the sacred is trampled on, where the principles of the Lord are rejected.
We are all drawn to pleasure, seduction, beauty, appearances, it is no longer astonishing to us to see open, sexy clothes, everyone wants to please and not to go unnoticed.
This is why we are adorned with artifices, we no longer love what the Lord himself has entrusted to us, everything that interests us is artificial, we want to look like the goddesses but listen to what the bible tells us in Revelation, the prostitute , the one who has or has had several sexual partners, was sitting on great waters, she controlled everything, she reigned.
These waters are peoples, nations, languages, crowds.
The word of God tells us that this woman is covered with pearls and precious stones, it is with her that the kings of the earth have indulged in sexual immorality, she is the mother of fornicators, she is filled with abomination and impurity.
She is also the queen of the waters, she is the great babylon, she is delicate and is rich in lust.
It is a sin related to sex, it is sexual immorality.
It is a spirit that affects not only the body but also the mind and soul.
Fornication, adultery, masturbation … are allies of the prostitute.
Let us understand this well, the sexual act is a communication, it is an exchange, it is an intimacy, it is intense, it is a transfer of blood, it is a commitment in its totality.
How can we explain nowadays everyone has children with everyone?
How can we understand that families encourage their children to give birth out of wedlock?
How can we accept that the songs are full of deviant lyrics, the clips are edited with so many naked people?
How can we explain that young people are so prone to sexual immorality?
How can we understand that couples are turned towards extramarital affairs?
How to understand that even pastors have pornographic videos on their phones?
We are living the story of Sodom and Gomorrah right now, we are doing foul practices, all kinds of things are allowed.
And God tells us this morning to * flee fornication *.
This is not someone’s friend, it is not something we have to negotiate with, there is only flight to overcome such a size of sin, it is not about resisting but to take flight, to run and to get away from the great danger, to move away in great speed with fear.
This sin is gaining ground in our churches, sullying our images and dragging Christians into a spiral.
We find that we cannot get married without knowing our partner sexually, we are quick to criticize our intimate moments with our husbands … All because we have indulged before marriage, we have connected the altars of strangers and we have certainly left in our graces on the beds of debauchery.
We could not abstain, yet it is God’s will.
* Let us flee sexual immorality *, it is the order of the Lord.
It’s not about strength, or prayer, or spirituality when it comes to sex.
And here is the recommendation of the day:
Pray to have the strength to flee from impudicity!
1 Thessalonians, 4: 3 – What God wants is your sanctification; that is, you abstain from fornication;
It is the will of God, it is the thought of God.
The Lord wants us to set ourselves apart from the world, he wants us to make a difference, to separate ourselves from our old way of living.
Let us be sanctified children who serve God and flee from sin.
Among the Thessalonians, sexual immorality was considered ordinary and it is dangerous.
Paul asks us to hold back from exposing ourselves to this sin and learn to keep our bodies in holiness.
What kind of life do we lead?
A life of sanctification or a life of sin?
Sanctification is not our own will, it is not our good deeds, it is not the fear of failure or of falling into sin.
It is a process that is part of our Christian walk.
So let’s pull over!
Let’s crop!
Cleanse us!
Sanctify ourselves otherwise we will not see God.
Hello friends
Have a good day

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