My Month Of Restoration ! Ps23:3

If we can say what we think, we say we are free.
If we can make decisions, make choices, carry out our resolutions, we can confirm our freedom.
If we can come and go, freedom is ours.
If we can travel and thrive without anyone limiting or stopping us, we can be victorious in doing what we want.
If we can dress, seduce, be appreciated, we can derive our moment of happiness and freedom.
But is this freedom that it is?
Is it the freedom that comes from men and pleases us?
Men have stopped their freedom from ephemeral things, vain things, appearances, carnal glory, but the Lord calls out to us this morning, he reveals to us that our search for freedom is found in him, in the depths of his word.
We could indulge ourselves but at some point we would always have a taste of unfinished business, our hearts will always be unsatisfied because we are tapping into the wrong source.
We all yearn for freedom but we are all slaves to sin, we are rebels against the laws of God, we are all under the influence of alcohol, drugs, money, sex … Our hearts are the sources of evil but Jesus came to free us from all our burdens.
We have been freed friends, no longer accept to be enslaved by anything.
We were captives, dominated, but the sacrifice of Jesus reconciled us and put us in touch with him.
Jesus wants us to enjoy our freedom and inner peace.
Pray for your liberty to become reality.
Galatians, 5: 1 – It is for freedom that Christ has made us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not allow yourselves to be placed under the yoke of bondage again.
Paul urges us to remain united, he wants us to be free.
So let’s be careful not to let others drag us and keep us in bondage.
Our freedom comes from God and do not give any opportunity to others to steal and stifle our freedom.
Hello here
Have a good day

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