My Month Of Improvement! Ho14:5

Romans, 14: 1 – Welcome him who is weak in the faith, and do not argue about opinions.
Pray to exercise maturity in your relationships with others.
Depending on the context, Paul to the Romans states that many want to be vegetarians.
This is the debate between the members of the church.
Meat coveted at the time was expensive, and not everyone agreed to consume meat sacrificed to idols.
We must already understand that the Lord uses our differences of opinion to test our love for one another.
To think that we had to agree and that unity would be perfect, we are wrong.
Everyone has the right to have their opinion in any area.
Paul points out that the church is neither the place nor the place to discuss opinions.
Opinions are distraction, spending time listening and commenting on news.
In the church of Rome there were some vegetarian Christians and others who were not.
Many of us grew up with prohibitions, ways of doing things until we discovered that what we thought was perverse, unhealthy, sinful is actually advice, a way of thinking and that many in the middle of us are very comfortable there.
What should concern us is not our differences, but rather how God wants us to deal with them.
What solution to offer to solve the problem of those who want to eat vegetables and others who want to eat meat?
Paul offers us Christian tolerance, asks us to welcome one another, without contempt or judgment.
Instead of forcing our opinions on others, we should accept that others may think differently from us, that each has leeway regarding their beliefs and degree of spiritual maturity.
Paul qualifies as weak in the faith one who does not eat what others eat.
So let’s be those who understand the limits of others.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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