My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

Beloved, no matter what area we serve God in, if what we do does not attract souls to Christ, share love, proclaim the work of God, we are missing the point.
To serve others is to serve God.
Do not do the work of God because we feel small, insignificant, inconsiderate, despised, rejected in the world.
Let us not serve God to be leaders or to have the first places in the church, nor to please the pastor.
Our spirit of gratitude, our spirit of leadership makes us make mistakes, serve ourselves instead of serving God.
Every time we clean up God’s house or participate in an event we want everyone to know it, we hope to be congratulated, acclaimed and in that process, we are idolized.
Samson is a man of God, God had chosen him to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines.
The Lord had placed a special anointing in his life, he had put his power in the hero’s hair and had given him rules to follow.
But at one point, pride hit our star, the more he was victorious, the more he had notoriety and authority, the more he had the glory and the less he had time for the Lord, he did not know any more. withdraw to let himself be filled by God, he no longer wanted to listen to others, it was he who had to have / had the last word.
His distraction and insubordination drove him to Delilah’s thighs and he lost his anointing.
Let us be careful when we are in the Service of God, we are examples, we inspire others, we are sources of blessing, others copy from us.
Service for God always gives a reward, that is why we must review our motivations and clearly define its nature so that it is fruitful, beneficial, effective for us.
Jesus has always been there to lead and teach us.
His life was dedicated only to others, he was to teach, heal the sick, take care of the needy, accomplish his work on the cross and deliver us from sin.
Anne was at the service of God, she was devoted to it, she did it with all her heart, she offered her sacrifice every year but she was sterile and Penina, her rival, mortified her all the time.
She was going to cry before the Lord, she went before the Lord with her pain and her pains but in her service, she was not true, it was not genuine and quality service until she decoded what God waited for her and made a wish.
Serving God is a privilege, it sets us apart, it strengthens us and it is a seed that always produces.
Pray to be distinguished in your service for the Lord.
2 Chronicles, 20:21 – Then he appointed singers in agreement with the people, who, clothed with sacred adornments, and going before the host, praised the LORD, and said, Praise the LORD, for his mercy lasts forever!
Praise and worship unleashes the power of the hand of God,
When we are in the service of the Lord, he defends us and gives us strategies to overcome our enemies.
So let’s be worshipers, those who are devoted to the work of God.
And certainly, we will be visited.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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