My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

Our choices determine our lives.
The development of our lives depends on our choices,
Our rest and peace also depend on our choices.
We would always have a choice, but with Jesus, we will always make the choices for the best.
The problem is that we always want to do it ourselves, we want to listen and look at others, we want to know what others think, we want to satisfy others, we are afraid of disappointments, accusations, challenges but we don’t want not ally ourselves with the Holy Spirit.
We do not want to make him our guide and our master and we always stumble.
Our way of life is ahead of us, equip ourselves with the Holy Spirit.
A person doesn’t become our friend at random, a person doesn’t get involved in our lives like that, we develop a friendship with them, we get to know them, we get to love them.
Jonathan and David were friends, they trusted each other, they accepted each other and respected their position.
They are two characters who knew God and let the Holy Spirit lead them.
Even when Jonathan died, David remembered his sacrifices, his love and did good to his son.
We are forgetful and the Lord reproaches us for it.
To forget is to be unfair, not to be grateful.
Jeremiah, 2:32 – Does the young girl forget her ornaments, The bride her belt? And my people have forgotten me For days without number.
Facts and pray for the holy spirit to be your best ornament.
How can a person forget their wedding dress yet it is an important thing for the ceremony.
Many times we have put God next to our lives, we have made him wait because we feel that there is more useful.
How many people grow up and forget about those who looked after them, fed them and ate.
They forget those who led them to Christ, those who supported them and helped them in the ministry.
Can we turn against the people who have done us good?
It’s possible.
People forget about God once wealth is on their doorstep,
People become atheists because they have prospered.
We easily forget the one who gave us everything and that is unfair.
Let us be sure to remember the doors the Lord has opened for us.
The Lord claims our neglect and wants us to know how much he is hurt by our attitudes.
Beloved Ones, If We Don’t Spend Quality Time With Jesus, If We Don’t Spend Time With Him In Prayer, Seeking Him In Reading The Word, If We Don’t Love Him, We Break His Heart .
Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so let’s honor our father with modesty and restraint.
When we carry the Holy Spirit, when we carry the word of God, we are overcomers in everything we do.
Have a good day

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