My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

Do we have a good reputation?
Do we want to have it?
Is this our desire today?
Reputation is how we are known, viewed, it is a favorable or unfavorable opinion of someone.
Reputation is our scent, it’s the words people say in our lives.
David was a reserved and withdrawn child, his whole family did not see his star, he was not counted among the people on whom his family could hope.
Even when Samuel came to anoint Jesse’s son, no one could imagine that he was God’s choice.
For many he was a pretentious child who had to stay away from others and with the sheep.
But the day that David killed Goliath, his reputation changed, the identity of his father’s household was heightened.
When David proved before all that he was a worshiper and lover of Jesus and that he was ready to fight against all who trample on the name of his God, his name was celebrated.
He became a warrior that Israel could count on.
He was certainly an assassin, he was shameless but his love for the Lord was genuine.
Jesus was the son of God, he worked miracles, he healed the sick but many still doubted him.
He was a controversial figure.
A good reputation is more valuable than wealth.
Betraying someone, deceiving someone, lying someone can give us a bad reputation.
Our image must not be tarnished, nor lost, be careful.
Saul of Tarsus was a hard man, he destroyed all those who walked in the footsteps of the Lord, he defended a cause that he believed was good, he persecuted the followers of God until God met him on the road to Damascus, changed his foundation, his vision and calls him to serve him.
In Proverbs, 27:21 – The crucible is for silver, and the furnace for gold; But a man is judged by his fame.
Pray for your reputation to be embellished.
Gold and silver have value because they have passed through the furnace and the crucible, they are purified and beautified.
Man likes to complain about the slightest problem, we are negative, weak in the face of difficulties.
It is the way we behave that gives us an image that blesses or influences us.
Hello everyone
Have a good day

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