My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

Not everyone has a great capacity to understand and act.
Some take longer than others, some are sharper.
In the parable of the talents, the master had to make a long journey, he found it good to occupy his workers before leaving.
He therefore gave a goodwill so that everyone can find a way out.
The master has entrusted his goods according to the mentalities, the potential, the courage of each one.
This morning we are talking about the capacity for understanding and according to this story we understand that not everyone has an awakened mind.
While the others sought to develop and improve their business, while they found strategies night and day to collapse their goods, one of them was sleeping, he was lazy, weak, he was not brave, he was afraid to take initiatives.
The master just entrusted his talents, he intended to get them back when he returned.
It was up to his servants to reflect and set to work to multiply what he had received.
The one who had received a talent may have underestimated his share, and he entered into criticism and whispering.
He pretended that the hardness of his master’s heart had discouraged him.
We must understand that the deposit of God in our lives must be seen, we are the light of the world.
The gifts and talents that the Lord has given us are in us for the glory of God to be applauded.
Peter defended Jesus, for him it was unthinkable that Jesus would be betrayed and killed when he is there.
Even when Jesus repeatedly warned him that he would deny him, he challenged.
Peter did not understand that Jesus, according to God’s plan had to go through death for him and us to be justified and saved.
We cannot understand anything if we are not attached to the Lord, if we do not meditate on the book of life night and day, if Jesus is not our light.
The Holy Spirit in us is the only person who can keep us from turning off the path.
Proverbs, 25:12 – Like a golden ring and fine gold jewelry, So with a docile ear is a wise man who reproves.
Pray for a great understanding ability.
We want to put on what is beautiful and fine, we love to have the jewelry that is precious and appreciated by all.
We will also like to rebuke obedient ears because a wise man listens to rebuke, advice and it nourishes and transforms him.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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