My Month Of Radiancy! Job17:11

God said we are the light of the world.
He talks about all his children including the pastors.
Yes, men of God also have a right to radiance, they must bear fruit and bear witness.
Why always be surprised that they are honored and celebrated?
Why be bothered that the anointed of the Lord can gather so many people around the gospel?
Why always be skeptical when people are grateful with them after a revelation, a restoration, a blessing?
They received it for free, it’s true, he also gives it for free.
We celebrate the grace, the anointing, the oil on their lives.
In a natural way, we give gifts to people who render us services, who do us good and why not to pastors?
No one of us knows their sacrifices, no one imagines their struggles, their problems.
We expect everything from them and we do not often take the trouble to pray that the Lord will lift them up and strengthen them.
When did we rise as a church?
As a family?
As a member of the assembly or as an individual to implore God’s mercy for them.
Instead of doing our part, we spend our time exposing their nudities, pointing fingers at their mistakes, pulling them down, getting them to sin and most importantly keeping them seated, reassuring us that the darkness invades them. again and again.
Lord, have mercy.
Beloved, if they are men of light, so will we be, they will show us the path of truth and integrity, they will help us to face our new challenges and to overcome them.
Pray for your pastors.
Daniel, 12: 3 – Those who are understanding will shine like the splendor of heaven, and those who teach righteousness to the multitude will shine like the stars forever and ever.
We must be wise to lead souls to righteousness.
To speak of pastors is to speak of us too.
We must let God break us, mold us, give us the form in order to be able to perfect his work so as not to allow ourselves to be corrupted and in order not to compromise us.
May our shepherds shine for Jesus, may they be stars of the kingdom of God.
No need to be on TV, no need to travel, no need to fill stadiums, no need to be a male star.
If our occupation is only to bear witness and to lead souls to righteousness, we are special, we are exceptional.
God calls us STAR.
The stars glow in the dark, they make no noise but they are faithful, they give direction and direction.
They are safer than GPS.
And that’s how our leaders should be, stars that shine forever and ever
Hello to us
Have a good day

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