My Month Of Radiancy! Job17:11

Unbelief is the absence of faith, it is a state of mind of one who does not believe.
It is born from the neglect of our Christian life, it makes us doubt God, it turns us away from him.
Unbelief is lack of confidence, it’s hardness of our heart, it’s refusing to see the power of God.
Unbelief creates rebellion in us, it claims to have the best version and the best understanding of things that God Himself.
The Jews do not want to abandon the law, the pagans do not want to give up their idols, their practices, each one is attached to the vain things which do not give life.
The people of Israel suffered for a long time in Egypt and God heard their cry, he sent the deliverer Moses to help them.
Israel had many opportunities to place their faith in God during difficult times but preferred to shut themselves up in whispers, fears, and disobedience.
And that has earned them 40 years of despair, confusion, mourning.
It is possible to die in the desert if we do not change our minds.
The Bible promises us that when we pass through the valley of shadow and death, the Lord will be with us.
So let’s stand up and believe.
Jericho was closed and baricarded, it was a city under a curse but when the prophet Elisha gave the instruction to shout for joy to the Lord, he grabbed it, he trusted the order and the wall of Jericho fell. .
Let us not deprive ourselves of the miracles of God because of our unbelief.
2 Corinthians, 4: 4 – for those unbelievers whose understanding the god of this world has blinded, that they may not see the splendor of the gospel of the glory of Christ, which is the image of God, shining.
Pray to reject all forms of unbelief anytime they appear.
The god of this century is the devil, it is he who makes us blind and prevents us from understanding that Jesus Christ is God.
Are we one of those whom Satan has made blind?
Some refuse the truth, others refuse to give our hearts to Jesus Christ, this is why we must intercede for the lost so that they receive the light of the gospel.
Anyone can accept the word of God, it is up to us to encourage them to come out of the darkness and turn their eyes to Jesus.
Hello, here
Good day

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