My Month Of Adaptability! Eccl3:11A

To tolerate is to accept the other, it is to love your neighbor, it is to support the other, it is to respect him, it is to have an open mind, it is to know how to forgive.
The world is not tolerant, too many prejudices, too many criticisms, too many wickedness implanted in the hearts, we do not manage to integrate that the other can be different, that he can have his beliefs, his values, we pretend to have the truth yet we cannot reconcile our ideas, we have no restraint.
This is why Cain killed Abel, he did not accept that Abel be honored and not him, he was imbued with himself, he wanted to be better, superior than his brother.
According to him, he was the one who should have authority over others.
He couldn’t bear to take second place and he became a murderer.
Being tolerant is good, but you shouldn’t mix it up.
God is clear, he does not share his glory, he has forbidden us to have any other god than him, we will not worship and worship false gods otherwise the kingdom of God will be closed to all who love and practice the sin.
It is not negotiable.
As far as we are concerned, the Lord exhorts us this morning to be understanding and compassionate in Romans, 15: 1 – We who are strong, we must bear the weaknesses of those who are not, and not take pleasure in ourselves – same.
Be tolerant!
Those who are strong are we who have experienced Christ, who have an identity in Christ, we have to understand that a spiritual baby cannot have the same behavior and the same way of thinking as we do.
We have to understand that they are growing and cannot stand solid food.
We must agree to support the weakest, to encourage them.
It is our responsibility to support the weak to prevent them from falling.
Let us have patience with those who are still in the world.
We must build them up and do nothing so that their faith is not confused.
Let’s not scandalize our neighbor, let’s seek their interests.
Father, give us the grace to follow in your footsteps and imitate you.
Father, you have made us free and we have chosen to follow you and submit to your laws.
Give us to understand others and especially to love them.
Glory be to you, O Lord.
Hello to us
Good day

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