My Month Of Adaptability! Eccl3:11A

It is not every place where we are alike that is necessarily a ministry.
We have confused everything, neglected everything and several times, we found ourselves where it was wrong.
Because we have heard people prayed or sang,
Because we heard the name Jesus, we went to ally ourselves in the worship of idols.
Be careful, we need to let God lead us to a place where his name is called and honored.
The churches have lost their strength, we have brought the world into it, we have refused the renewal of our thoughts, and we are the first to dilute the anointing of our leaders.
We no longer know how to value them, we think that it is because we are already reciting two or three verses that no one can advise us.
Our ministries need to go back to the days of the early church where love and fellowship were pillars, where dedication and sanctification were in the first place, where our fathers consulted the Lord before lifting a finger.
Our churches are dying, Christians are being lost yet grace is available but we are too distracted.
Pray for our ministries,
They need it, let us implore God to extend his hand of light to restore the churches,
Let us ask the Lord to allow us to condense our energies for his work.
We beg the father to tear us away from the altar of Egypt to keep us in his presence.
He is God and he can do anything.
Job, 10:12 – Thou hast granted me thy grace with life; thou hast preserved me in thy care and in thy care.
Fast and pray for RMI
Job in the midst of trials knew how to give thanks to God, he was grateful to the Lord for life.
He was aware that without the love and presence of God by his side, it could have been worse.
May the Lord grant us grace and grant us to maintain it in order to operate in the dimension of his word.
Hello people of God
Good day

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