My Month Of Adaptability! Eccl3:11A

The world does not fail to show its preference and its choice to the general public.
When he loves and decides to follow a path, he is not afraid to prove to others that he is on the best side.
He is ready to defend and support what makes his pride, he feels proud to belong to this glory and wants his choice to take all the place and be accepted.
What about us as Christians?
What do we do when we are fans of the word of God?
Do we see the word of God saturating our environment?
Do we have the courage to walk around with plancards and microphones to proclaim our Jesus?
Are we able to always recognize that God is our priority and our security?
Do we see how the nationalists and the fanatics are united in their struggle?
Amaleck came to attack the people of Israel as they entered the promised land, the Lord alone protected and fought for Israel and gave them victory.
To engrave this blessing, to keep it and keep it in remembrance for future generations, Moses recognized that he revealed himself during the war as * Jehovah Nissi, the God of our banner. *
We are invited to reveal our identity wherever we are, it is our role to honor the name of our Father, those around us must understand that it is God who delivers us from trials.
Let us not forget that we are warriors, citizens of heaven, soldiers of the Lord and in this task the servant is positioned, he knows what he has to do, no one can make him bend, he walks with his head held high with the holy scriptures, uttering cries of victory and singing songs of joy.
What do we mean by the banner?
It is a standard, a flag, belonging, victory, protection, love, unity.
It is an identity.
Malachi, 3: 6 – For I am Jehovah, I change not; And you children of Jacob were not consumed.
Bless the Lord for his banner over you.
The word of God always subsists, everything was created by the word of God, it is the foundation of all that exists, nothing can move it, nor taint it.
All things are changing and are still changing, but our God is faithful, he is sovereign, he is love.
If the Lord could protect the children of Jacob, He will do it for us, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The presence of God is a solid pledge and a certain assurance, it always leads us towards better solutions.
So let us establish in our homes, in our cars, in our offices the presence of God.
Everyone should know that it is Jesus who reigns in our lives.
Hello people of God
Good day

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