My Month Of Adaptability! Eccl3:11A

It is important for the Lord to remember what he has done in the past.
He made a way for us in the wilderness,
He fed us manna,
He brought us into a good country, a land of rivers where we lack nothing.
The Lord walks before us like a consuming fire.
It is by remembering all that the Lord has done that we will glorify God.
Let us remember the victories the Lord has accomplished.
How many times has God blessed us without our knowledge?
Let’s learn to take the time to recognize and appreciate what God is doing in our lives.
Psalms, 30:11 – Hear, O Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, help me! –
Contemplate ans bless the Lord for his goodness in your life.
If the wicked come up against us to devour us, let us be without fear, let us trust in the Lord.
Humble before God asking him to keep us all the time,
Let us ask the Lord to have mercy on us,
Let’s look for it every day,
Come closer,
Let us walk under our idols,
Let us know the word of God and enjoy his mercy.
Bless the lord
Bless the Lord
Bless Yaweh
He is faithful
He is the God of impossibilities,
He is the God of good news,
May the name of the Lord be exalted
Hello, here
Good day

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