My Month Of Illumination! Dan2:22

Hello Holy Spirit,
We say thank you for this day,
We invite you into our lives and into our ministries, come in, father.
We welcome you in our midst,
Come reign Lord, come and break the foundations of our churches which do not follow your vision,
Come and shake the fortresses that cover our ministerial light,
Come and break down the resistance that opposes our blessings,
Let the voices that condemn our ministries be quiet, in the name of Jesus.
May the hand that was raised to keep the church in bondage be smitten and cursed.
Father, the spirits of the waters have settled in your house, they rob us of our riches and our treasures, they dry up our spiritual resources and empty our granaries.
Lord, we have come to throw ourselves at your feet, we no longer want the dominions and authorities of the world to rule over us, we want to come home, we want to be in the kingdom with you.
Have mercy on us and help us, Lord.
Rekindle our light that the devil manipulates,
Roll off the bad smell that the enemy has laid down from your altar.
Give us to be sons.
We no longer know how to take care of the bridegroom, we have neglected our role, we have rejected our responsibilities and we are here today because we want to be reconciled with you, we want to reign with you.
1 Samuel, 3:21 – The Lord continued to appear in Shiloh; for Jehovah was revealed to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of Jehovah.
Pray for RMI
Lord, make your appearance in our assemblies,
Reveal yourself in our ministries,
Fill the church with your presence and your love,
Give us to remain faithful to you, in the name of Jesus
Hello to us
Good day

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