My Month Of Illumination! Dan2:22

We like to talk without listening,
We like to show that we know,
We love when everyone thinks we have the fresh information,
We like to be right,
We are doing too many things according to our own vision.
Let’s stop the distraction and focus on the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that he is our counselor, he is our friend, he is our comforter.
Can we imagine the number of arguments between friends, between brothers, between couples that we could have avoided if we were attentive?
Can we calculate the shortfall because we have decided not to be silent and to obey the Holy Spirit?
Many think it is a weakness to remain silent, yet it is so that things do not get worse, it is to allow time for everyone to calm down and mellow.
Beloved, the Holy Spirit speaks to us all the time but we do not listen to him.
How many times we are frozen on our arguments, on our responses, on our insistence and we have found ourselves in sin.
The Holy Spirit knows the right time, he masters the time and the circumstances.
Too much time wasted, too much energy wasted.
To walk without the Holy Spirit is to run an enormous risk, it is to walk in the dark.
It is an illusion, it is groping.
And no one can walk in hesitation.
The Holy Spirit is a light that God gives us to guide and enlighten us, he propels us in our destiny and prevents us from making bad choices.
1 Corinthians, 2:10 – God has revealed them to us by the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
Pray to have the ability to listen to the Holy Spirit.
When Christ revealed himself to Paul, his life changed.
He agreed to follow his new life, he gave up his dreams, his aspirations, his time, his efforts.
Paul used the word of God and the Holy Spirit in him guided him in his walk.
Before his conversion, Paul was convinced of his convictions, he had biblical knowledge, he had an overflowing zeal that made him a slave to sin.
Let us know that the Holy Spirit in us guides us, we need him.
Many of us have misconceptions about who the Holy Spirit is.
The Holy Spirit is God, he is a person, he is a being with a spirit, a will, emotions.
The depths of God are what the eye has not seen, what the ear has not heard, the revelations never had, the things the Lord prepares for those he loves,
Let our faculties be renewed, vivified, strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
We have a spiritual heritage, a burning lamp, a new light which is a reality for all who are children of God.
Hello to us
Good day

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