My Month Of Progress! Luke1:49

When we are filled with anointing,
When the Holy Spirit meets us,
Immediately we begin to preach.
And if we don’t believe it, let’s ask Saul of Tarsus.
A criminal who terrorized everyone,
A criminal who made his law reign,
A gangster that no one could face him,
A murderer that no one knew.
He was defending a cause, he was claiming a right and no one should resist him.
For him, he was on the path of truth, he traumatized the church, he persecuted the servants of God, he violated and disturbed the work of God, he fought the gospel.
That was his vision.
That was his role.
Saul of Tarsus took his job very seriously so that when a person was even suspected of being a Christian, the manhunt was started.
And here one day, while he was on his way to Damascus to shake up the church, an unusual and strange event happened.
On the way, he saw a light and fell face down on the ground.
Saul heard a voice come to him and ask him why so much hatred towards him.
The light of the Lord made Saul blind so much that he depended on his companions.
Arrived in Damascus, God asks him to go to meet Ananias who even wanted to resist the Lord given Saul’s reputation.
This is the crux of our story.
Why did the Lord choose Ananias to impact Saul?
He was surely not the only man of God in the city of Damascus, but he was the one who was qualified.
Beloved, to be filled with the Spirit of God, there is anointing and anointing, there is power and power, there is hand and hand. The deposit, measure, size, dose needed to restore Saul’s blindness was in Ananias.
This prophet had the ability to transfer power to Saul.
After the laying on of the hands of the man of God, immediately Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit, he was baptized, he received his sight and began to preach.
When the Lord reveals to us who should lay his hand on our heads, there is transformation, there is movement.
Saul of Tarsus was baptized Paul.
To be filled with the spirit means to depend on his presence, to allow God to lead us, to ask God to strengthen us.
The Holy Spirit in us transforms our character, produces in us love, joy, peace.
The Holy Spirit lights up the eyes of our hearts, he kindles fire in us.
Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot fulfill our destinies.
Acts, 11:24 – For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And quite a large crowd joined with the Lord.
Ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
Without the Holy Spirit we are vulnerable, we will not have real satisfaction.
Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit to face our realities and receive the joy of serving God.
the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom, a new smell, the essential faith to attract others to the Lord.
Thank you Lord for teaching us to know you and to stay with you.
Hello to us
Good day

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