My Month Of Blessings! 2Co9:8

Our God is a capricious God but we have no choice but to pass all his whims.
He knows how to ask us things that are difficult, if not impossible.
How can he ask us to pray for our enemies?
The taste of that!
How can he ask us to take time for people who have hurt us?
A macabo, difficult to swallow and digest,
How can we forget a betrayal, a disappointment and succeed in forgiving until we find ourselves praying for the person?
Weeeee, Father, you ask too much of us.
Is it possible to intercede for a person who prevents us from progressing towards our destiny?
If we understand correctly Lord, you ask us to put our knees on the ground for people who hurt us, who want to destroy us?
Although this surprises us, although it seems foolish to us, although our hearts bleed before this instruction, it is you who are God and it is you who decides.
It’s complicated for us, it’s difficult but it’s possible because that’s what the word of God says.
Praying for our enemies and blessing them is the greatest form of love.
It is true that we have suffered a lot of injustice, it is true that our enemies are numerous and want our lives but the Bible asks us to do them good and to bless them.
We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against spirits.
Jesus is not offering it to us, he says that this instruction is fundamental.
Romans, 12:14 – Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.
Pray for the ability to bless your enemies.
Persecution is part of the life of a child of God.
What attitude should we adopt when we are persecuted?
The verse is very clear: bless our enemies.
Let us refuse to look back and choose to move forward.
Let us remember one thing: it is possible to bless one’s enemies.
Hello to us
Good day

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