My Month Of Blessings! 2Co9:8

The bible tells us that Isaac was blessed because his father Abraham bore the blessing.
Joseph was blessed because Jacob was blessed.
We can therefore conclude that the blessing is generational, it is transmitted, it is inherited.
Where Jesus is, the blessing is there.
Ladies and gentlemen, if we want to be blessed, let’s go back to our parents.
Let’s start paying court to our leaders.
The blessing is what we need to move forward and our first blessing is Jesus.
Despite our mistakes, Jesus wants to bless us, he wants things to change, he wants unhappiness to become happiness.
If we are blessed by God, we will have deep and lasting joy.
The blessing is an act of God,
it is a recognition of the grace of God,
It is the presence of God.
The blessing is not defined by the material but rather by the good words of God.
The blessing is the grace of God.
To see December 2021 is to be counted among the privileged,
To be healthy is to be one of the chosen, the elected.
To be at peace is to be favored.
Getting up in the morning, moving around, breathing … We owe it to the Lord.
So if ever, we thought that things would get complicated for us, so we are here to reconfirm that we are blessed children, holy nations, elected races, an acquired people, royal priesthoods.
Let us feel honored in this season!
* Welcome to our month of Blessings *
2 Corinthians, 9: 8 – And God is able to fill you with all kinds of graces, so that, having always in all things what to satisfy all your needs, you still have in abundance for every good work,
God can give us any blessing, he can satisfy us in every way and give us everything.
Our God is more than enough God, he gives us enough in everything.
God gives us a guarantee at this time of the year, he assures us that we will not run out all the time, we will have plenty for every good work.
The Lord does not tell us in this passage what he will do, he refuses that we limit him, he is ready to distribute the benefits according to his will.
Let us be grateful, and follow Paul’s advice to the Corinthians to bless others in return with our gifts, to give generously to those in need.
The blessing of the Lord is authentic, it overflows, happiness and grace accompany it every day of our life.
And this is why Proverbs 10:22 says It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, and he follows it with no sorrow.
May your blessings have as only source the Lord of Lords.
The riches of the Lord are not conditioned, they do not interfere, they do not rob us of our peace and our identity.
If our blessing does not come from God, we will suffer, sadness will dwell within us, bitterness will control us.
We will always prosper where God places us, we will always sing songs of joy, we will always proclaim the name of the Lord.
Misfortune will not be in our path.
What is the source of our Blessing?
Bless the Lord,
Praise him,
Let us glorify his holy name,
He is God.
It is he who blesses us, it is from him that we receive everything.
Everything belongs to him.
Hello family
Good day

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