My Month Of Distinction! Ps139:14

Israel was a blessed people who did not know their identity nor their strength.
He did not realize that he is a god and that God is with him.
And like all those who do not trust themselves, who walk according to sight and not according to faith, he wanted to do like, he wanted to resemble others, he wanted to copy elsewhere to appear, he wanted to merge with the mass and he refused the authority and the hand of God over him.
This is how Saul comes into the picture, this is how a king is born in Israel.
Appearances, false clichés that give us false assurances.
Masks that we wear that reveal us along the way.
Saul was not able to hold the throne, he could not camouflage his weakness for long.
Saul was the choice of the people of Israel and that is why he also did everything to seduce them and please them, hence his disobedience.
Saul, it is useless to satisfy Israel when their God is not satisfied, it is useless for you to encourage sin in Israel and leave the heart of the Eternal sad.
These colors that we marry and that depose us of the throne one day, these inflated airs that we have that give us false honors and imprison us.
The Lord could not continue with Saul, he was not trustworthy, he does not work with people who are not whole, the Father needs leaders who know their places and depend on him.
And that’s what we all did.
We want to imitate everything except the one who has the power of life and death.
Let’s be imitators of Christ.
We have copied the way we eat, dress, even do God’s work.
The house of the Lord wants to be a version of the world, with amazing luxury and with indecipherable members, trips abroad otherwise we feel useless, we think we have failed.
We want to ask ourselves then if Jesus was a failure because his church, his membership was not woah.
Watch out, Church of Jesus.
Appearances sometimes have nothing spiritual about them, they just attract and flatter us.
All authority comes from God, Saul was not a tough man, the Lord wants to put order in the midst of his chosen people, he wants Israel to come closer to him.
So he sends Samuel to Jesse.
His mission is to go and anoint the new king.
Samuel already has an idea of ​​God’s choice, he realizes that the sons of the house of Jesse are strong, elegant, eloquent, dynamic, all that is needed to reign.
When the Prophet wants to get to work and do the service of God.
God tells him that he is a prophet, he has his oil flowing over his head but he is mistaken, he is seduced, he is attracted by what his eyes see, by what the world acclaims, by what man love.
We are talking about appearances this morning.
Samuel, Isaï has another son who has nothing to do with lust, he is a person who has nothing to do with social networks.
He does not know the glorious life, his world is in the fields, he is a shepherd, his friends are the animals.
That’s the one I want, Samuel.
That’s my choice.
When the Lord wants to distinguish a man, he goes to look for him in the hole where he is.
The Lord does not need a diploma, nor a social position, he raises whoever he wants.
And David was anointed against all odds, no one saw him as a champion, a hero, a leader.
David himself panicked when he made Solomon king, he was held to his word in Bethsheba, but when he told Solomon to be a man, we can understand that his appearance was anything but that of a king.
Don’t let appearances blind us.
We want to take care of our appearances, we have false hair, false nails, false eyelashes, even false skin and eye colors to please, but we realize that the world is disguised as a wolf ready to make us their food.
John, 7:24 – Do not judge by appearance, but judge by righteousness.
Ask the Lord the ability not to be carried away by appearances.
Appearances are deceiving, our looks are not enough to pass judgment.
We cannot confirm that our beliefs are true.
Only the justice of God is infallible, it alone guarantees a just judgment.
Our intuition, our reflections, our experiences, our wisdom are not enough, let’s go back to the scriptures, a holy light.
hello home
Have a good day

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